Uniquality is the association that groups together imprese e professionisti italiani della compliance (Qualità, Ambiente, Salute e Sicurezza Lavoro, Sicurezza Alimenti, Sicurezza Informazioni e Privacy, Business Continuity, Project Management).
- This event has passed.
26 May 2016
The compliance day is the event that every year brings together Italian companies and compliance professionals (Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, Food Safety, Information and Privacy Security, Business Continuity, Project Management).
Also this year Minerva Group Service participated with a series of workshops held by its speakers.
Workshop “Governance, Internal Control Systems, Integration Architecture of Management Systems and Organizational Models: ISO 31000 and ISO 19600 standards”
Speakers: Andrea Leonardi, Stefano Michelotti
Key topics:
#GRC #Governance #internalcontrol #internalaudit #riskmanagement #ISO31000 #compliance #ISO19600 #businessprocess #managementsystem #integratedmanagementsystems
Workshop “The integration of the Organization and Management Models of Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 (criminal corporate liability) with the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems BS OHSAS 18001 according to art. 30 Legislative Decree 81/08 (OHS)”
Speakers: Andrea Leonardi, Stefano Michelotti
Key topics:
#GRC #Governance #internalcontrol #internalaudit #riskmanagement #ISO31000 #compliance #ISO19600 #occupationalhealthandsafety #italiandecree8108 # #BSOHSAS18001 #italiandecree23101 #MOG #organizationalcontrolmodel #corporatecriminalliability
Workshop “The integration of Organization and Management Models according to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 (criminal corporate liability) with the Anti-Corruption Management Systems according to ISO / DIS 37001 and the Three-year Corruption Prevention Plans (PTPC) according to Italian Law 190/12 (antibribery Law) ”
Speakers: Andrea Leonardi, Patrizia Leonardi
#GRC #Governance #internalcontrol #internalaudit #riskmanagement #ISO31000 #compliance #ISO19600 #decree23101 #corporatecriminalliability #ISO37001 #BS10500 #antibribery #law19012
Workshop “Cloud Privacy and GDPR: ISO / IEC 27018 and ISO / IEC 29100 standards”
Speaker: Patrizia Leonardi
Key topics:
#privacy #GDPR #dataprotection #ISO27001 #informationsecurity #cloud #ISO27018 #ISO29100
Workshop “Governance, Risk Management and Compliance of Information Systems in the Finance industry: the requirements of Bank of Italy according to circular 263 and 285 and the Management Systems for IT Services ISO / IEC 20000-1, for Information Security ISO/ IEC 27001, for Business Continuity ISO 22301 ”
GRC #governance #riskmanagement #ISO31000 #compliance #ISO19600 #privacy #GDPR #dataprotection #informationsecurity #ISO27001 #businesscontinuity #ISO22301 #ITservices #ISO20000-1 #finance #bank #bankitalia #circular263 #circular285 #supervisory