Why adopt a GRC approach (Governance Risk Management ISO 31000 Compliance ISO 37301) to manage the requirements of the GDPR and the Swiss LPD-DSG-LPD in an integrated way?
What are the technical organizational measures for data protection according to the main ISO standards?
What are the skills of the DPO (GDPR) and Data Protection Consultant (LPD) and the role of certifications?
We talked about it today at the webinar organized in collaboration with SPS and MTIC.
Our speakers Andrea Leonardi, Patrizia Leonardi, Monica Roberta Leonardi talked about it webinar organized by MGS in collaboration with SPS, the Swiss certification body of the MTIC group https://www.mtic-group.org/it/
#GDPR #privacy #dataprotection #UE #EU #Svizzera #Schweiz #Suisse #LPD #DSG #datenschutz #protezionedati #protectiondesdonnees #datenschutzgesetz #GRC #Governance #compliance #ISO19600 #riskmanagement #ISO31000 #informationsecurity #ISO27001 #ISO27701 #businesscontinuity #ISO22301 #Itservices #ISO200001