Milano Digital Week is an event organized by the Municipality of Milan that wants to encourage the production of knowledge and innovation through digital technologies.
The purpose of the event is to valorize and to share the experiences of Open Innovation, Open access and Open source of universities, research centers, training institutions, startups, public bodies, private companies, associations.
The event articulates into a series of workshops organized by these subjects that take place throughout the city.
How to adopt a GRC model (Governance IT ISO 38500, Risk Management ISO 31000, Compliance ISO 19600) for the integrated management of socialresponsibility (ISO 26000), innovation (ISO 56002), ICT in its various aspects (IT Service ISO 20000-1, information security ISO 27001, business continuity ISO 22301)?
What are the correlations with the environment (ISO 14001), OHSAS (ISO 45001), antibribery (ISO 37001)?
Our speakers Andrea Leonardi, Patrizia Leonardi, Monica Roberta Leonardi spoke about it today at the webinar organized by Minerva Group Service and Alpemi Consulting in the context of Milan Digital Week!
#milanodigitalweek #GRC #governance #ISO31000 riskmanagement #ISO19600 compliance #ESG #sostenibilità #responsabilitàsociale #ISO26000 #ambiente #ISO14001 #sicurezzalavoro #ISO45001 #anticorruzione #ISO37001 #innovazione #ISO56002 #sicurezzainformazioni #ISO27001 #itservices #ISO200001 #businesscontinuity #ISO22301